100% Pasture Fed - good for the soil, good for your health
Regenerative farming
At a time when so many questions are being asked about the value of livestock in society today, this video brings together a view from Romshed Farm.
So much beef and lamb is sold as “grass-fed” but this might mean it is only predominantly fed from grass ie just 51%. The rest of the diet can be anything including cereals. We are proud to be one of a growing number of farms that are certified Pasture for Life, guaranteeing our customers all the human health, environmental and animal welfare benefits from genuine 100% grass-fed produce.
Why Pasture for Life
Romshed on Twitter
RT @phoeb0: The birds are busy making nests https://t.co/fcQon6F6X6
RT @SoilAssociation: Now is a great time to go organic with your farm! The market is booming & farmers switching to organic are reaping… https://t.co/qcUSlp4EhB
RT @LowAuldgirth: Regeneratively grazed grassland sequesters more carbon long term and supports a huge range of biodiversity. But unf… https://t.co/feZxCyJdpj
RT @howemill: Such a good point - producing beef means keeping soils covered, grazing animals within diverse habitats and easily… https://t.co/LwRkR6nA3Q